Currently, we can check that many manufacturers of security appliances are writing books "for dummies".  You can get them for free and you can download them in this post.

Notice these books are free because they want to sell you their products, obviously... But many of them are really interesting because they show you how working the Next Generation Firewalls, how the Modern Malware is evolutioning, how we can avoid attacks like Distributed Denials of Firewalls, etc...

I've created a recopilation of many of them...

Click on the pictures to download the books.  If some links are broken, please tell me.

Definitive Guide to Next-Generation Threat Protection FireEye

Intrusion Prevention Systems For Dummies Sourcefire

Oficial link

Modern Malware for Dummies by PaloAlto Networks

Oficial link

Next Generation Firewalls for Dummies by Palo Alto  Networks

Oficial link

UTM for Dummies by Fortinet

DDOS for dummies by Corero

Oficial link

Network Security in Virtualized Data Centers by PaloAlto Networks

Oficial link